Published on YourTango on 4/7/12

Lent’s end can be freedom to go back to the old – instead Easter points to hope for the future

Many things can bring you to the point of despair. Learning that your spouse has cheated on you; finding out about the secret past of a partner that was kept secret even from you; the sudden death of afamily member; the loss of your home – all of these events and many more can bring you to the point of despair. Despair is a natural reaction but is one that tends to take away any sense of hope that we ave.

The context of Easter is very much the same. Easter is the end of the Lenten journey many have been on. Christians remember that Jesus’ followers saw him betrayed by one of their own, falsely condemned and killed. They had devoted their lives to following him. Now, it was over and they feared for their lives. In the midst of this, they found hope and learned of his resurrection. What can we learn from their example when we too face a situation where we need to maintain hope?


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