4 Reasons You Might Want To Date A Criminal
My Social Pick featured this article on 9/19/12. See the feature at http://mysocialpick.com/60117/7/4_Reasons_You_Might_Want_To_Date_A_Criminal.html
4 Reasons You Can Forgive Someone You Love
Published on YourTango on 9/13/12 Forgiveness is for you as well as the relationship – find sources in your spirituality to help do it When you have become emotionally close to another person, you have become more vulnerable. This vulnerability opens the doors for that person to do things that really hurt, which often comes […]
Giving Ultimatums to Teens – A Word of Caution
Article highlighted at YourTango on 7/15/13 based on prior article In the heat of the moment an ultimatum seems the way to deal with a child’s rebellion – be careful Parents often struggle with how to draw and enforce boundaries for their teenage child. For example, consider the following situation: Read more at http://www.yourtango.com/experts/the-rev-christopher-smith/giving-ultimatums-teens-word-caution
What to Do When Your Teen Child Hates You
Article highlighted on YourTango on 7/15/13 based on prior article Your teenager child’s behavior is foreign to you and they state they hate you. What should you do? Imagine the following situation: Your son is a teenager and has been writing badly about you in a social media forum (such as Facebook) for quite a while. […]
How to Help Your Boyfriend Through a Rough Time With His Grandmother Dying
Published at Global Post on 7/14/13 If your boyfriend’s grandmother is dying, he may be struggling to accept it. Having identified that your boyfriend is having a hard time is an important step. Each of us experience anticipatory grief in our own ways and knowing how a loved one is hurting can be as difficult […]
Who Should Go to a Priest’s Funeral?
Published in Opposing Views on 7/12/13 The funeral for a deceased priest is both a regular funeral of a Christian who has died and an event of significance within a community of faith. The priest’s former role in the community will encourage particular people to be in attendance at the funeral, while attendance remains open […]
How to Know if Relationship Counseling Is Worth It
Published on Global Post on 6/28/13 Knowing whether relationship counseling is worth it is a highly personal decision and may vary depending on the stage of your relationship and what you are facing. There is a difference between investing in a relationship during pre-marital counseling and going to see a counselor when you have already […]
How to Handle My Boyfriend’s Deployment
published at Global Post on 6/23/13 Deployment is tough on any family and relationship. The challenges are amplified for someone who is “just” a girlfriend as the military does not provide the same treatment of a girlfriend as they would a wife. While there will be challenges, you will be able to find ways that […]
The Vocation of Fatherhood
Appeared in GoodTherapy.org 6/15/13 Around Mother’s Day, you will hear people speaking of the vocation of motherhood. People will speak of how important the work and calling of motherhood can be. Around Father’s Day, you will hear people speaking of… Well, Father’s Day is given a lot less emphasis in American society. While influence and […]
What to Do When Your Teen Child Hates You
Published on Choose Help on 6/13 Imagine the following situation: Your son is a teenager and has been writing badly about you in a social media forum (such as Facebook) for quite a while. He has been using foul language and misrepresenting how you treat him. Anger is coming from your 13 year old that […]