How I Honor My Dad On Father’s Day (And Every Day)

Published on YourTango on 6/14/13  Father’s Day can be hard if your dad has died, but you can still celebrate his life. My own father died right after Father’s Day — a story that has taken some time to be able to tell but which you can read more about. While, in general, we do not think about the mortality […]

Sloppy Joe Served Over Donuts and Pizza – Good Tasting?

Published at Yahoo! Voices on 6/10/13 Sloppy joe is simply ground meat with sauce and spice added, possibly with onions and/or pepper. As a basic American food it may be surprising for it to be the center of a fair food controversy. What may even be more surprising is that similar ripples existed in the past. […]

A Couple’s Guide To Joint Finances

Published on YourTango on 6/10/13 Considering opening a joint account with your significant other? Here are six things to consider. Couples have to work out a way to take care of financial matters that they both are involved in and this can be as source of conflict within the relationship. These decisions are all about the money […]

The Unforgettable Money Lesson I Learned from My Father

Published on YourTango on 6/7/13 On Father’s Day, I remember my father’s life and the lessons he taught me. As my father’s death is tied to Father’s Day and as I seek to honor him in the way I live, around Father’s Day I think about the lessons I learned from him and how they have been influential in guiding […]

5 Business Lessons from ABC’s “Shark Tank” on TV

Published on Yahoo! Voices on 6/5/13 Like many entrepreneurs, I played with my business for many years before deciding to get serious. Once I got serious, I discovered that running a business was much more complicated than it seemed while at the same time being easier than I might have expected. During the last year, I started […]

Seeking Health – Beyond the Affordable Care Act: 3 Steps

Published on YourTango on 6/28/12 Take responsibility for your health by setting and following a plan – beyond the government’s role. The Supreme Court decision to uphold one of the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act is a monumental decision.  It has impact many individuals such as individuals who are concerned about the ability to afford health […]