Published on YourTango on 6/7/13

On Father’s Day, I remember my father’s life and the lessons he taught me.

As my father’s death is tied to Father’s Day and as I seek to honor him in the way I live, around Father’s Day I think about the lessons I learned from him and how they have been influential in guiding how I respond to life with wholeness and peace. Many lessons come to mind when I start reflecting, but one about money brings a smile to my face.

I was eleven years old. There was a particular calculator that I really wanted. I have always been interested in mathematics. By today’s standards this calculator was very primitive. However, it did have a few functions beyond the basic ones. We were living in England and the calculator cost something like ten pounds. I didn’t have the money. My father offered to let me buy it and make payments until I had paid him back. We bought the calculator and I was so happy and enjoyed taking every opportunity to use it that I could.


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