Published on YourTango on 4/6/12

Finding peace and wholeness in the midst of family conflict, by drawing on Maundy Thursday lessons.

If you are like most people, you experience some form of conflict within your family whether it is just two of you, involves children or even the extended family.  Sometimes this conflict can be  just in the situation, but there are also times that it runs deeper.  There are even times that trust has been severely broken and you do not trust whether another will live up to the support that they talk about or whether another will directly do you harm by betraying you.  So, what should you do when you find yourself in such a spot?
Maundy Thursday is the day in Holy Week that Christians observe the Last Supper.  The joy and praise of the entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday has faded (even quicker than we think about on Ash Wednesday) and Jesus is dining with his disciples talking about the end of his life being near.  These disciples are the ones who have journeyed with him for the last few years.  So what are the lessons that Maundy Thursday gives us about conflict?

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