Published on YourTango on 9/18/12

New beginnings are often needed in our lives and relationships – learn how from Rosh Hashanah

Have you ever heard the sound of the shofar? Its sounds is one that you would remember, whether the short blasts or the longer sustained blast that goes on over many seconds. This ram’s horn sounds one hundred notes a day during Rosh Hashanah, the celebration of the Jewish New Year.

Rosh Hashanah is very different than the American idea of New Year’s celebrations (December 31-January 1). The focus is on God’s sovereignty and the original creation of humanity, the sealing in of good for the coming year (which some will still use the time until Yom Kipur to make things right) and refocusing for the new year (casting off sins and wishing for a sweet new year). So, in relationships, how can you learn about new beginnings from looking at Rosh Hashanah?


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