Gimmel – 3 Ways to Take the Pot – Lessons From Hanukkah

Published on YourTango on 12/15/12 Hanukkah is an eight day Jewish celebration that can teach us much about improving our lives. Hanukkah (or Chanukah or one of many other spellings) is a Jewish festival that comes around the time of Christmas.  Many people know it for the progressive lighting of the candles on its nine branched […]

Tragedy In Connecticut: How To Talk To Your Kids

Highlighted on eWallstreeter Dating on 12/14/12 On one level, this is just one more tragedy in a series of tragedies that have occurred in our country. On another level, the victims here were considerably younger. Additionally, this particular Connecticut community was also severely affected by Superstorm Sandy. However, the impact of a tragedy this large […]

Tragedy In Connecticut: How To Talk To Your Kids

Published on YourTango on 12/14/12 Reverend Christopher Smith offers advice about what to tell your children. This morning, news came out about another tragic, mass shooting — this time in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. On one level, this is just one more tragedy in a series of tragedies that have occurred in our country. On another […]

7 Tips for Instilling Gratitude in Your Children

Published on LearnVest on 11/28/12 As a parent, it can be awfully tempting to spoil your kids, especially around the holidays. And while it’s okay to regale them with gifts every so often, it’s essential that they learn to appreciate what they have. With that in mind, here are some tips from YourTango Experts about […]

7 Ways To Teach Your Kids The Importance Of Gratitude

Published on YourTango on 11/21/12 Do your children know the importance of gratitude? As a parent, it can be awfully tempting to spoil your kids, especially around the holidays. And while it’s okay to regale them with gifts every so often, it’s essential that they learn to appreciate what they have. With that in mind, […]

Light In Our Lives: 5 Lessons from Diwali

Published on YourTango on 11/13/12 The Diwali Festival of Lights shines into our lives with ideas for better living and relationships Diwali is an unusual religious celebration in that it is a festival for Sikhs, Hindus, Jains and some Buddhists.  Each of these religions has their own particular take on the festival.  This holiday is […]

FUEL Shortage: 4 Relationship Areas Often Underestimated

Published on YourTango on 11/9/12 The shortage of fuel after Hurricane Sandy parallels fuel for relationships often taken advantage of In recent weeks, Hurricane Sandy has affected many dimensions of life in the greater New York area.  Among this has been a shortage of fuel which has not been seen since the 1970s.  Those who drive in […]

7 Ways A Crisis Increases Stress and How To Fight Them

Published on YourTango on 11/9/12 When a crisis occurs, stress goes up. Learn to identify this and fight the negative effect. There are many types of crises that can enter our life.  These can benatural disasters, problems in our relationships, facing life changes,discovering significant health issues, or any of many other things.  Some crises are very […]

Maintaining Confidence During Sandy’s Aftermath

Published on YourTango on 11/9/12 My interconnected response to Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane Sandy is one of the disasters I have lived through in my life. During Sandy, I was living and working in New York City. I am thankful that others have challenged me to be introspective and think about what I have experienced and what can be learned […]

Published on YourTango on 11/9/12 Natural disasters help highlight relationships and interconnectedness in today’s world Our world has become connected in ways that a couple of decades ago could only have barely been imagined.  Often this is taken primarily as a matter of technology, a matter of ease of getting information, a matter of the speed […]