My Relationship Is In Trouble, Could a Pastoral Counselor Help?
Published on YourTango on 4/28/13 There are all sorts of counselors out there – could a pastoral counselor help us? There are so many types of counselors out there. If your relationship is in trouble, who can you turn to? An LPC? LMHC? LMFT? LCSW? Psychologist? Pastoral Counselor?Lucy from Peanuts? Some other designation? Is a pastoral counselor qualified to […]
Insights Into Spirituality in the Aftermath of a Disaster
Appeared in 4/22/13 Disasters often have a human component, including New York’s World Trade Center on 9/11 [1], the death of a teenager following misuse of alcohol [2], mass shootings [3], and, in the day before the writing of this article, the explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon [4]. Elsewhere, you […]
Overcoming Tragedy: The Death Of Your Child
Published on YourTango on 4/16/13 Letting go of a loved one is never easy, but remembering their love can be the best way to cope. When we hear tragic news stories, we can’t help but picture ourselves and our loved ones placed at the center of such events. The deaths of Audrey Pott in California, Rehtaeh Parsons in Nova Scotia and 8-year-old Martin […]
Getting Pastoral Counseling for Serious Mental Illnesses
Published at Choose Help 4/13 Is a pastoral counselor qualified to handle serious mental illness? The DSM (the manual which mental health professionals use in diagnoses issues) covers a broad range of mental health conditions, such as: Personal concerns (such as relational problems or an occupational problem) Less permanent disorders (such as adjustment disorders or […]
State Of The Union – Your Union
Published on YourTango on 2/13/13 The President’s State of the Union is over – what would be part of yours if given about your union? In political chambers throughout the country, including in our national Capitol, political leaders give annual addresses to talk about how we are doing and what challenges we need to face […]
Learning Through The Twelve Days of Christmas
Published on YourTango on 12/24/12 Kids and the twelve days of Christmas – turn stress to learning what’s behind Christmas traditions. In society, Christmas begins earlier and earlier. In fact, it often starts before Advent even begins. In religious tradition, it actually starts on Christmas day and continues to be observed for twelve days until […]
4 Relationship Attributes to Develop: Lessons from Advent
Published at YourTango on 12/24/12 Advent traditionally involves 4 small words that can also enhance your relationship. Advent is the season Christians observe leading up to Christmas. During this season, Christians traditionally focus on hope, peace, joy and love. These very same themes can also be important things to focus on in our relationships in order to enhance our […]
Gimmel – 3 Ways to Take the Pot – Lessons From Hanukkah
Published on YourTango on 12/15/12 Hanukkah is an eight day Jewish celebration that can teach us much about improving our lives. Hanukkah (or Chanukah or one of many other spellings) is a Jewish festival that comes around the time of Christmas. Many people know it for the progressive lighting of the candles on its nine branched […]
Tragedy In Connecticut: How To Talk To Your Kids
Highlighted on eWallstreeter Dating on 12/14/12 On one level, this is just one more tragedy in a series of tragedies that have occurred in our country. On another level, the victims here were considerably younger. Additionally, this particular Connecticut community was also severely affected by Superstorm Sandy. However, the impact of a tragedy this large […]
Tragedy In Connecticut: How To Talk To Your Kids
Published on YourTango on 12/14/12 Reverend Christopher Smith offers advice about what to tell your children. This morning, news came out about another tragic, mass shooting — this time in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. On one level, this is just one more tragedy in a series of tragedies that have occurred in our country. On another […]