4 Reasons You Might Want To Date A Criminal

Published on YourTango on 9/19/12 Don’t write off a date just because of a pesky criminal record. He could be the one! Many people would say that there are dangers of dating a criminal and even advocate checking criminal records of online daters. In many situations where your potential date is a criminal there is reason to be cautious. Sometimes this fact will be […]

New Beginnings: 5 Lessons from Rosh Hashanah

Featured on Daterly on 9/18/12 Have you ever heard the sound of the shofar? Its sounds is one that you would remember, whether the short blasts or the longer sustained blast that goes on over many seconds. This ram’s horn sounds one hundred notes a day during Rosh Hashanah, the celebration of the Jewish New […]

New Beginnings: 5 Lessons from Rosh Hashanah

Published on YourTango on 9/18/12 New beginnings are often needed in our lives and relationships – learn how from Rosh Hashanah Have you ever heard the sound of the shofar? Its sounds is one that you would remember, whether the short blasts or the longer sustained blast that goes on over many seconds. This ram’s […]

The Couple That Prays Together …

Published on YourTango on 9/18/12 How shared spirituality can help strengthen your relationship. Spirituality has been linked to mental health by a number of studies including one from the University of Missouri. While this study focused on how spirituality was linked to individual mental health, increased spirituality also helps in the area of forgiveness in couples. The capacity for forgiveness is […]

Seeking Health – Beyond the Affordable Care Act: 3 Steps

Published on YourTango on 6/28/12 Take responsibility for your health by setting and following a plan – beyond the government’s role. The Supreme Court decision to uphold one of the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act is a monumental decision.  It has impact many individuals such as individuals who are concerned about the ability to afford health […]

Finding Hope: 5 Lessons from Easter

Published on YourTango on 4/7/12 Lent’s end can be freedom to go back to the old – instead Easter points to hope for the future Many things can bring you to the point of despair. Learning that your spouse has cheated on you; finding out about the secret past of a partner that was kept […]

Sudden Changes In Life: 5 Lessons From Passover

Published on YourTango on 4/6/12 Our world can change suddenly, like it did on Passover or Good Friday – how do you find a future? Many things can drastically and suddenly change our lives. With the economy, we all know people who were doing well (or at least okay) who lost their job and as […]

Conflict In The Family: 4 Lessons From Maundy Thursday

Published on YourTango on 4/6/12 Finding peace and wholeness in the midst of family conflict, by drawing on Maundy Thursday lessons. If you are like most people, you experience some form of conflict within your family whether it is just two of you, involves children or even the extended family.  Sometimes this conflict can be  just in […]

Lent: Lessons To Learn From Ash Wednesday

Published on YourTango on 2/22/12 Starting over on a goal is usually depressing but Ash Wednesday teaches us to celebrate instead! “Remember that you are dust and to dust, you shall return.” This Biblical verse is one that many hear during an Ash Wednesdayservice, marking the beginning of Lent. It is commonly said as ashes are […]